May 31, 2024

Secure Your Dream Co-Owned Home: Ideal Co-ownership Property Types & Renovations

As we mentioned at the beginning of this step, the real estate market is a seller’s market most of the time. While there are a lot of different types of properties that your group can look at, you should always keep in mind that supply is limited.

Types of Properties

Co-ownership real estate purchasers typically consider various types of properties.

Tips for Looking at Properties

There are many methods and ways to search for properties. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Online Listings: Use Multiple Listing Services (MLS) for a wide range of official listings. Additionally, many real estate websites feature exclusive listings.
  • Local Brokerages: Some real estate brokerages display listings in their windows. These can be a great source of potential properties.
  • Realtor Assistance: Your realtor can access many properties that may not be available through other means. With a completed home brief, your real estate agent can tailor your search and provide you with potential properties to browse.


Renovations might be necessary to meet your group’s needs, but not every property requires them. While you may not find the perfect property immediately, considering potential renovations can help create your ideal co-ownership home.

Before planning any renovations, be aware of provincial and municipal by-laws and zoning regulations. Here are some resources to get you started:

  • Zoning Laws: Understand the local zoning laws. Are multiple entrances allowed? Is re-zoning required? Do you need a zoning exception?
  • Licensing Requirements: Check if new structures need licenses.
  • Building Permits: Ensure you obtain the necessary building permits.
  • Building Code: Familiarize yourself with the building code.

Helpful Resources on Zoning and By-Laws

  • Housing Innovation by the Ontario Provincial Government
  • Zoning By-Laws by the Ontario Provincial Government
  • Zoning By-Laws by the Toronto Municipal Government

If you purchase a home that needs renovations to work optimally for your group, we’ve partnered with Joanne Lam of Picnic Design to provide advice and ideas for creating great cooperative living spaces.

Just as there is a path to purchase a cooperative home, there is a recommended process to renovate one. Here’s a summary roadmap of what needs to happen:

“Kitchens and bathrooms are potential areas of conflict in a group living situation. Consider a renovation budget that allows for separate appliances in the kitchen.”
— Lesli Gaynor, Co-founder of Husmates

Cooperative Space Plans

Check out some ideas for plans that work in cooperative spaces:

  • A home for 4 seniors
  • A home for 3 families
  • A home for 4 singles

In the final section of this step, we will look at the essential pieces of the process to get you and your group ready to finally buy your co-ownership home!

  1. Familiarize Yourself with Co-Ownership
  2. Finding Your Purchasing Group
  3. Building Your Financial Model
  4. Creating Your Group Agreement
  5. Making Your Legal Agreement

Finding Your Property