June 27, 2024

Husmates Featured in the Globe and Mail's Stress Test Podcast

We're thrilled to share that Husmates and our co-founder, Lesli Gaynor, were recently featured in the latest episode of the Globe and Mail’s personal finance podcast, Stress Test! In Season 9, Episode 3, titled "Home Ownership and a Baby: Can You Afford Both?", Lesli dives deep into the realities and opportunities of co-ownership, providing invaluable insights for young families navigating today's challenging housing market.

Key Takeaways from Lesli Gaynor’s Insightful Discussion:

  1. Understanding the Larger Ecosystem:
    • Lesli brilliantly underscores the interconnectedness of the housing market with broader economic factors. She states, "I don't think you can take the real estate market in isolation. I think you have to take it in a much larger ecosystem. The cost of living has skyrocketed. Wages have not kept up. Parents are asset-rich and income-poor. Children are struggling to find, you know, housing that's safe and secure." This holistic view is crucial for anyone considering co-ownership as a viable solution.
  2. Creative Solutions for Affordability and Aging in Place:
    • Lesli shares various innovative approaches to co-ownership, highlighting the benefits of multi-generational living and the use of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). She mentions, "I've had families who've also approached me who want to help all their children get something. So they buy the property all together and stay as an equity position. They actually don't live in the property, but they are on title." This strategy not only supports affordability but also fosters familial support and wealth-building.
  3. Importance of Fairness and Equity:
    • Addressing the complexities of family dynamics in co-ownership, Lesli stresses, "One is fairness and equity within the family. There is something that needs to be said about if you're helping one child do this through co-ownership, how are the other children protected in their estate if there is money to be left over." Ensuring fairness is key to maintaining harmony and protecting everyone's interests.
  4. Planning for Unpredictability:
    • Life is full of surprises, and Lesli emphasizes the need for thorough planning to handle unforeseen circumstances. She says, "Life is not predictable. Not everything that you thought was going to happen happens, and so I've seen families have to struggle with an unexpected separation or divorce." By preparing for such events, families can navigate challenges more smoothly.
  5. Building Micro-Communities:
    • Lesli passionately advocates for building supportive micro-communities through co-ownership. She explains, "We need to build micro-communities because we're a family. Things are falling through the cracks, and we're going to have warehouse solutions or high-end private care solutions. That's just my political belief, and I believe that in between there, there are all kinds of options and opportunities for communities to start to take care of themselves a little bit more."

Why This Matters:

Husmates is at the forefront of revolutionizing homeownership through co-ownership, making it more accessible and sustainable. Lesli's insights, shared on such a prominent platform as the Globe and Mail’s Stress Test podcast, validate co-ownership as the viable solution to our shared housing woes.

By addressing affordability, promoting fairness, planning for unpredictability, and fostering community, Husmates is not just providing a service— we're creating a movement towards a more inclusive and resilient housing market.

Listen to the full episode here and join us in transforming the way we think about homeownership. Together, we can make owning a home a reality for more Canadians.

Stay tuned for more insights and updates from Husmates, and don’t forget to follow us on our social media channels for the latest news and tips on co-ownership!