March 21, 2024

Forget Buying Solo – This is Why Co-Ownership Makes Sense

Okay, Husmates fam, let's get real about today's housing market. It's a hot mess! A recent article in The Globe and Mail broke down why that fancy detached house might as well be on the moon for many of us. 😭 But hey, we're not ones to wallow, right? This news is actually a great reason to start thinking about co-ownership with Husmates platform. Let's dive in!

Image: Change in house prices since January, 2020. Percentage change in composite benchmark price

The News: What's Up with the Market?

The article paints a bleak picture – prices are up, incomes are (relatively) down, and even renting isn't much cheaper. Here are some of the crazy takeaways:

  • Forget about buying in major cities if you earn the average Canadian income. You might not even qualify for a mortgage!
  • Even those smaller towns that used to be our escape? Nope, prices are crazy there too.
  • Rents are insane, especially if you want a decent place that's not in someone's basement.

So Why Even Bother? And Where Does Husmates Fit In?

Because there's gotta be a better way, right? Co-ownership is an increasingly popular solution. Picture this:

  • You + awesome Husmates Match = buying power. Suddenly, that dream home gets a lot more achievable.
  • Shared costs all around. Mortgage payments, taxes, those scary repair bills – it's cheaper when you split them.
  • The dream lifestyle is possible. Maybe it's more space, a cooler neighbourhood, or finally having that backyard for your furry friend.

Husmates makes this even easier. We don't just help you find amazing people to buy with; we support you through the whole process (without that intimidating real estate jargon).

Okay, I'm Maybe Convinced...What Now?

That's the spirit! Here's how to get started on your co-ownership journey:

  1. Join Husmates. It's free – download the app on Google Play or Apple App Store, create your profile and let the good vibes roll.
  2. Start exploring those matches! Who knew home-buying could have some potential for fun as well? 😉
  3. We got your back. From navigating finances to closing the deal, we're your co-ownership sidekicks. Book a 1-on-1 today to go over co-ownership with an expert.

Question Time! 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️

Have you thought about co-ownership before? What's your biggest dream-home feature?

Let's Recap...

The housing market feels like a wild ride right now. But that doesn't mean giving up on your home goals. Co-ownership with awesome people could be your ticket to that perfect space, and Husmates is here to guide the way!

Credit: The Globe and Mail, article by Jason Kirby, Matt Lundy, and Mark Rendell: "Why you can't afford a home, in 10 charts"